PÜRKAY Polyurethane Line Paint-Sports

Polyurethane based, UV resistant, non-yellowing, elastic, two-component aliphatic polyurethane line paint applied on elastic sports flooring in order define various games on same sports arena


Definition and Feature

PÜRKAY Polyurethane Line Paint – It is a polyurethane-based, two-component, solvent-based, elastic top coat line paint developed for sports and sports floors.

It is used to draw game lines on sports grounds. It is a two component paint that is waterproof, colorfast, resistant to impact and friction, easy to clean, resistant to sunlight and external conditions.


Colour : Yellow, blue, green, red, black and white as standard
Mixing ratio : Base material : Hardener = 100: 25 (by weight)
Usage period : 6±1 hours at 20ºC ambient temperature after starting the mixing process
Drying time: 18±4 hours depending on ambient temperature
Density (at 25ºC): 1.55±0.07 gr/cm³
viscosity (at 25ºC) : 1.800±500 mPas
Consumption: 0.200-0.300 kg/m² in 2 coats depending on the application surface
Solid Matter: % 80
Storage : 12 months when stored in its original package, below 35ºC, protected from frost.
Packaging : In 0.8+0.2 kg and 2+0.5 kg packages.