PÜRKAY-BIO 019/01 Polyurethane Self Levelling

Solvent-free, colored, plastically elastic, self-leveling, two-component polyurethane flooring material

Characteristics and Properties

PÜRKAY-BIO 019/01 is a self-leveling, solvent-free, two-component, polyurethane-based, plastic-elastic flooring material, produced with sustainable resources. It provides safe use due to its solvent-free nature. Impact and abrasion resistant PÜRKAY 066 PU top coat paint,
where UV resistance is required, PÜRKAY 076 PU top coat paint or new generation water-based PÜRKAY 086 top coat paint should be applied on top.


Also has the following properties:
–  impermeability to liquids and resistance to chemicals
–  resistance to impact
–  crack bridging
–  easy cleaning and care (decontamination/ hygiene)

Typical use   

Show-rooms, restaurants, offices, shopping areas, production facilities, industrial buildings, warehouses, commercial greenhouses, hospitals. PÜRKAY-BIO 019-01 is part of a polyurethane flooring system, for floor system details please visit our web site www.purkay.com


Concrete, stone, brick, rock, metal, wood (mdf, plywood, OSB…) and similar construction materials.



Colour : Main RAL colours
Mixing Ratio : Main Component : Hardener = 4 : 1 (by weight)
Pot-Life : 40 ± 5 minutes
Consumption : A self leveling coating with a thickness of 1 mm can be
achieved by use of 1.38 kg/m² of PÜRKAY-BIO 019/01
Recommended thickness is 2 mm
Curing Time : Depending on relative humidity and temperature, 12 hours
Yoğunluk (Karışım) : 1,40 ± 0,50 gr/cm³ 20ºC TS EN ISO 2811-1
Density (25oC) :
                            Main component :
Mixture :
1.47 ± 0.05 gr/cm3
1.38 ± 0.05 gr/cm3
EU yönetmeliği 2004/42 : EU Direktifi 2004/42’ye göre kullanıma hazır üründe
izin verilen maximum uçucu organik bileşik (VOC) içeriği
550/500 g/L’dir. (2007/2010 limitleri)
TOC: %46-50
Shore D : 85 ± 5 ASTM 2240/DIN 53505
Elektrik İletkenlik Katsayısı: 1x10E5 < ohm  ≤ 1x10E9
Katı Madde Oranı (%) : Ağırlıkça 100
Hacimce 100
Depolama :  Orijinal ambalajında dondan korumalı ve 35ºC altında
depolandığında depolama süresi 1 yıl
Ambalaj : A/B: 20/4