PÜRKAY TC 42 Epoxy Textured Topcoat Paint

Two-component epoxy paint with high surface hardness, high mechanical strength, textured surface and non-slip properties


PÜRKAY TC 42 Epoxy Textured Topcoat Paint is a two-component, thixotropic, epoxy paint that gives a drop effect. It has high mechanical resistance, resistance to various chemicals, excellent surface hardness and aesthetic appearance. It provides a dust-free and easy-to-clean environment. It does not contain solvent.


Colour: Main RAL colors
Mixing ratio: By weight: A/B: 100:15
Pot life: 40-60 min. /23ºC, 200 gr. DIN 16945
Consumption: 400 gr/m² (200-225 Dry Film Thickness)
Drying Time: Powder Drying: 60-90 min. 23ºC TS 4317
Touch Dry: 6-8 hours at 23ºC TS 4317
Curing time: 7 days at 23ºC TS 4317
Waiting between floors: 24 hours at 23ºC TS 4317
Intensity: 1.85±0.05 gr/cm³ (mixture) TS EN ISO 2811-1
Viscosity : thick
VOC: < 100g/L*
Appearance: Shiny
Taber Wear: 72 mg (CS 10/1000/1000) (7 days / +23°C) (DIN 53 109 (Taber Abrasion Test))
Non-slip: Dry : R12 Wet : R 12 DIN 51131
Anti-slip scot: Dry: 0.68 Wet : 0.65 ASM 825
Storage: Storage period is 1 year when stored at 10-30ºC in its original packaging.
Packaging: 20+3 kg metal packaging

* EU regulation 2004/42: According to EU Directive 2004/42, maximum volatile organic compound (voc) content allowed in ready-to-use product is 550/500 g/L. (2007/2010 limits)