PÜRKAY Epoxy Concrete Primer

Two component epoxy primer that can be applied on substrates that has 5% relative moisture content.The Primer is without solvent and filler.



PÜRKAY Epoxy Concrete Primer is a 2-component, 100% solid-containing, transparent primer for concrete and similar surfaces. It fills the pores of the concrete surface and It allows the surface to be perfectly coated with polyurethane or epoxy self-leveling material. Where concrete moisture is a maximum of 5% as measured by the CM Moisture Meter (carbide method) used.


Colour : Transparent
Mixing ratio : 100/48 (by weight)
Pot life: 30±5 min.
Consumption: Depending on the absorbency of the concrete or screed, 250-300 gr/ m2
Curing time: 6-8 hours depending on relative humidity and temperature.
Density (25°C): 1.06±0.02 gr/cm³
Viscosity (25º C): 450 ± 50 mPas
VOC: < 140g/L
EU regulation 2004/42 : According to EU Directive 2004/42, the maximum volatile organic compound (voc) content allowed in the ready-to-use product is 550/500 g/L. (2007/2010 limits)
TOC: %70-80
Combustion Point : over 100 degrees
Report No: AB-0001-T 80802 has received positive results from the inspections and tests. Tested samples comply with TS EN 13501 Table 2 Efl class criteria.
Resolution: insoluble in water
Storage: In original packaging, below 35ºC, protected from frost, 6 months.
Packaging: 10+4.8 kg
Cleaning: Purkay 314 cleaner